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Biodiversity & Adventure in Guna Yala

Community Protected Area Gunayala

The remote small islands of the Guna Yala are an idyllic tropical white sand destination where the Guna are working to conserve a rich marine area.

Fantastic snorkeling (some of the richest and most diverse in the Caribbean), sea kayaking and a rich island environment are some of the highlights of this adventure. Rich rainforest thrives from the coast to the continental divide. With its sovereignty, Guna Yala (Land of the Guna) is the largest expanse of primary forest in Central America, and the rivers run clear and pure. Panama is famous for its biological diversity, with species diversity over distance greater than in the Amazon! Your days consist of a wide variety of activities.

Our use of sea kayaks allows us access to some of the more remote and less traveled spaces in the archipelago. Paddling to an uninhabited section of the mainland, we enjoy a memorable walk up along the pristine banks of the Rio Mangles. Creek-bed hiking through the pristine rainforest provides us with fantastic opportunities for wildlife viewing.
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